#@(#) dupbackup.sh Ver 0.6.1 16/11/22 Chris Ray
### This script works with duplicity to keep a backup of the local system.
## Version 1 April 2020 First attempt
# 12/4/20 0.1.0 Modified to use a pre-established NFS mount rather than rsync. As the Netgear rsync performs badly under duplicity.
# Also modified to run daily. Looks like duplicity will pick up from where it left off in an aborted backup
# So we can run this daily, and if the previous run did not finish cleanly, we can run duplicity again to finish it.
# 15/4/20 1 Bug in day recognition
# 8/5/20 2 Failing to create current month file, moved location and added check..
# 7/6/20 3 Modified ACTION variable so that duplicity actually takes a FULL backup monthly
# 7/1/21 0.2.0 Need to include a cleanup script as the Jan Backup filled the NAS but continued trying until manually stopped.
# Replaced explicit full or incr commands in ACTION var with --full-if-older-than option and set how many weeks to run increments.
# with a full backup every month we only have enough space for 8 months history. So don't need to know the current month either.
# 10/1/21 1 As the lockfile is now used to restart an aborted duplicity run, we need another file to test file access to the archive.
# 14/1/21 2 Didn't turn on the desktop yesterday, so no backup was taken. Need a mechanism to take a backup the next day the PC is turned on,
# if a wednesday is missed.
# 15/1/21 3 General tidy up and bug fix.
# 3/2/21 4 More tidy up and testing.
# 7/1/21 0.3.0 Added logic for stopping and starting the NFS mount. 1, It is more secure. 2. prevents duplicity trying to access the bare mount point
# plus various tests to make sure the NFS mount is actually there
# 18/2/21 1 Have now had two RESTART runs each claiming to finish a partial full backup. Both reported a clean Duplicity run, but both failed to
# actually complete the backup, and left the incomplete set. So will now set the Cleanup script to remove any incomplete sets whether or not it
# needs the space.
# 19/2/21 2 error in clean detection logic as awk writes a blank into the variable when it does NOT detect a match
# 20/2/21 3 Modified cleanup logs so we get a collection-status dump before and after every cleanup.
# 12/6/21 0.4.0 Problem if a wednesday is missed FOLLOWING a missed Wednesday. The three day "window" is calculated from the actual day the eventual backup was taken
# not the Wednesday it SHOULD have been taken, which compounds the error. Solution: When a backup finishes, stop saving the date of the last backup, and
# instead calculate and save the date of the NEXT backup day. This makes calculating the three day over-run window a lot easier.
# 13/8/21 1 Added further text explanation of NFS mount checking.
# 28/8/21 2 removed lines that stopped Access-test logging its output during a check-status run. Shows no diagnostics if the NAS is offline.
# 19/12/21 0.5.0 Problem if the system is down for more than one week. If the "back on-line" day is not a backup day the code used to wait until next backup day.
# Have included code to calculate when the LAST backup day SHOULD have been and calculate the over-run window from there.
# 29/10/22 0.6.0 Modified the code that chaks the UID and GID of the monuted NAS drive. Has to be numeric in case the imported ID matches a local values and gets a text value.
# 16/11/22 0.6.1 Removed duplicity command from under if statements as the final tee command is masking the exit code and failing the if statement.
### Architectural Description
## The Bazaar Systems Linux Desktop uses two drives for storing User data, /mnt/DATA2 and /mnt/MEDIA2. As well as various other mounts.
## A link in /etc/cron.daily point to a small script called runbackup that checks for the presence of this script and the logfiles and then
## triggers this script using the systemd-inhibit command that should prevent accidental reboots during the backup. This script also includes a cleanup function
## that checks there is enough space on the NAS drive to fit at least one full backup.
# For debug testing
## First set the external drive mappings
if [[ $TEST -eq "0" ]]
then LOG=${DIR}/${LOGF}
else LOG=${DIR}/${LOGT}
# An NFS mount is very much faster because of the way that duplicity uses rsync
## Backups only run ONCE per week, despite being triggered daily, on THIS day
DAY="Wed" # day of week to run backups, must be in date +%a format
### Set up the Duplicity options here
# Exclusions file. Used if backing up root to exclude the usual unwanted directories
# The FILES var currently contains just an exclude file list but could include others.
FILES=" --exclude-filelist $EXCLUS"
# Duplicity will automatically take an incremental backup if a full backup exists, otherwise it takes a full, and will do so forever
# This setting causes a full backup every "OLDER_THAN"
# Normal options used during the backup
#OPTIONS=" --no-encryption --asynchronous-upload --dry-run --max-blocksize 65536 --verbosity 4 --volsize 800 "
OPTIONS=" --no-encryption --asynchronous-upload --max-blocksize 65536 --verbosity 4 --volsize 800 "
#OPTIONS=" --no-encryption --asynchronous-upload --allow-source-mismatch --max-blocksize 65536 --verbosity 4 --volsize 800 "
# Email settings
SYSID=$(uname -n|cut -f1 -d.)
## Next the sub-routines
function displaytime {
local T=$1
local D=$((T/60/60/24))
local H=$((T/60/60%24))
local M=$((T/60%60))
local S=$((T%60))
[[ $D > 0 ]] && printf '%d days ' $D
[[ $H > 0 ]] && printf '%d hours ' $H
[[ $M > 0 ]] && printf '%d minutes ' $M
[[ $D > 0 || $H > 0 || $M > 0 ]] && printf 'and '
printf '%d seconds\n' $S
function mail-admin {
echo sending mail with Subject: $subject |tee -a $LOG
echo "To: $SYDSMATES" > $TDIR/dupmail
echo "From: $SYDSOURCE" >> $TDIR/dupmail
echo "Subject: $subject" >> $TDIR/dupmail
sendmail $SYDSMATES < $TDIR/dupmail
function cleanup-log-start {
echo -e "\r\n\r\n=====================================================" |tee -a $CLOG
echo Duplicity Cleanup Process Started at $(date) | tee -a $CLOG
# First send the collection status to the log file ONLY
echo Current Collection Status >> $CLOG
echo "*********************************************************************" >> $CLOG
cat $STATUS >> $CLOG
echo "*********************************************************************" >> $CLOG
function cleanup-log-stop {
echo Updating for Post-cleanup Collection Status >> $CLOG
echo "*********************************************************************" >> $CLOG
duplicity collection-status $TARGET 2>&1 > $TDIR/dup_out
#echo $RETCODE
if [[ $RETCODE -eq "0" ]]
cat $TDIR/dup_out >> $CLOG
then echo duplicity collection-status ran cleanly >> $CLOG
else echo duplicity collection-status run failure >> $CLOG
subject="Duplicity Backup failure: Duplicity post-cleanup collection-status run failed"
echo "*********************************************************************" >> $CLOG
function check-space {
echo Getting Collection-status from NAS.... |tee -a $LOG
duplicity collection-status $TARGET 2>&1 > $STATUS
#echo $RETCODE
if [[ $RETCODE -eq "0" ]]
then echo duplicity collection-status ran cleanly |tee -a $LOG
else echo duplicity collection-status run failure |tee -a $LOG
subject="Duplicity Backup failure: Duplicity collection-status run failed"
# unless awk matches one or more lines it returns a blank, but a 1 for each matched line
CLEAN=$(cat $STATUS |awk '$0~/^No orphaned or incomplete backup sets found.$/ {print"1"}')
## echo clean=$CLEAN
# so if the $clean variable is blank, i.e. has no length execute cleanup
if [[ -z $CLEAN ]]
## echo CHAINLESSSETS=$(cat $STATUS |awk '$0~/^Also found/&&$0~/backup sets not part of any chain,$/ {print$3}')
CHAINLESSSETS=$(cat $STATUS |awk '$0~/^Also found/&&$0~/backup sets not part of any chain,$/ {print$3}')
## echo INCOMPLETESETS=$(cat $STATUS |awk '$0~/^and/&&$0~/incomplete backup set/ {print$2}')
INCOMPLETESETS=$(cat $STATUS |awk '$0~/^and/&&$0~/incomplete backup set/ {print$2}')
if [[ $CHAINLESSSETS != 0 ]]
then echo $CHAINLESSSETS backup sets found that are not part of a chain. Removing...| tee -a $LOG
elif [[ $INCOMPLETESETS != 0 ]]
then echo $INCOMPLETESETS incomplete backup sets found. Removing...| tee -a $LOG
echo cleanup needed....running duplicity with cleanup command...|tee -a $LOG
# --no=encryption needed or it asks for a GNU passphrase.
duplicity cleanup --no-encryption --force $TARGET 2>&1 > $TDIR/dup_out
#echo $RETCODE
if [[ $RETCODE -eq "0" ]]
cat $TDIR/dup_out |tee -a $LOG
then echo duplicity cleanup ran cleanly |tee -a $LOG
else echo duplicity cleanup run failure |tee -a $LOG
subject="Duplicity Backup failure: Duplicity cleanup run failed"
else echo backup sets are clean, so no incomplete or chainless sets to remove. | tee -a $LOG
# Now check the size of the last backup
echo Checking space... |tee -a $LOG
PBVOLS=$(cat $STATUS |awk '$0~/Found primary backup chain/{primary=1} primary==1&&$0~/Total number of contained volumes/ {print$6}')
PBSIZE=$(($PBVOLS * 800000))
echo $PBVOLS volumes, so size of $PBSIZE KB
echo Space used by current Primary Backup: $PBSIZE KB |tee -a $LOG
# then check the space on the NAS drive
echo Now checking space on the NAS drive... |tee -a $LOG
##df -h $MNT
##df -k $MNT|awk -v tg="$MNT" '$0~tg {print $4}'
AVAIL=$( df -k $MNT|awk -v tg="$MNT" '$0~tg {print $4}')
echo Space available on Archive :" " $AVAIL KB |tee -a $LOG
echo space needed $(( $AVAIL - $PBSIZE ))
if (( $AVAIL >= $PBSIZE ))
then echo plenty of space for the next full backup | tee -a $LOG
else echo not enough room for next full backup, Cleaning up..... | tee -a $LOG
echo From the current status: | tee -a $LOG
echo Space needed" ": $PBSIZE KB | tee -a $LOG
echo Space available : $AVAIL KB | tee -a $LOG
echo Space difference: $(( $PBSIZE - $AVAIL )) KB | tee -a $LOG
echo Volumes needed: $(( ($PBSIZE - $AVAIL) /800000 )) | tee -a $LOG
echo Need to remove oldest backup set..... | tee -a $LOG
# If we use remove-older-than option then we need the time, in datetime format, for the start of the SECOND backup set.
# duplicity should then remove the whole of the FIRST backup set as ALL its sets will be older.
echo -n "date of second oldest set is: " | tee -a $LOG
CHAIN2=$(cat $STATUS |awk '$0~/Secondary chain 2 of/{second=1} second==1&&$0~/Chain start time:/ {second=0; print$4" "$5" "$6" "$7" "$8}')
echo -n $CHAIN2 | tee -a $LOG
# I can use "date -Iseconds --date="Wed Nov 11 00:07:06 2020"" to convert the timestamps into ISO format that is acceptable to duplicity.
SECONDOLDEST=$(date -Iseconds --date="$CHAIN2")
echo " OR $SECONDOLDEST IN ISO format" | tee -a $LOG
echo Using duplicity to remove the single full chain older than $SECONDOLDEST .... |tee -a $LOG
duplicity remove-older-than $SECONDOLDEST --force $TARGET 2>&1 > $TDIR/dup_out
#echo $RETCODE
if [[ $RETCODE -eq "0" ]]
cat $TDIR/dup_out |tee -a $LOG
then echo duplicity remove-older-than ran cleanly |tee -a $LOG
else echo duplicity remove-older-than run failure |tee -a $LOG
subject="Duplicity Backup failure: Duplicity remove-older-than run failed"
# And finally send an updated collection status to the log file
function access-test {
## Now start up the NFS mount point and check that it is present and operating correctly......
echo Starting mount point $MNT with systemctl $MOUNTPOINT... |tee -a $LOG
systemctl start $MOUNTPOINT
echo Testing presence of NFS mount | tee -a $LOG
# First check the NFS drive is mounted
if ((systemctl show $MOUNTPOINT |grep ActiveState=active) && (systemctl show $MOUNTPOINT |grep SubState=mounted))
then echo NFS mount started by systemctl |tee -a $LOG
else echo systemctl failed to mount the NFS drive |tee -a $LOG
subject="Duplicity Backup failure: Failed to mount $MOUNTPOINT"
echo Desktop Backup Process Finished at $(date) | tee -a $LOG
echo ------------------------------- | tee -a $LOG
# and check the actual mount point is now covered.
# ls -aln ${MNT%/*}
declare -a MOUNTDATA
#ls -aln ${MNT%/*} |awk -v m=${MNT##*/} '$0~m{print $2,"\n",$3,"\n",$4,"\n",$5}'
mapfile -t MOUNTDATA < <(ls -aln ${MNT%/*} |awk -v m=${MNT##*/} '$0~m{print $2,"\n",$3,"\n",$4,"\n",$5}')
# echo ${MOUNTDATA[*]}
echo Check Mount Data: hardlinks=${MOUNTDATA[0]} should be 1, UID=${MOUNTDATA[1]} should be $MNTUID, GID=${MOUNTDATA[2]} should be $MNTGID, size=${MOUNTDATA[3]} should be less than 100 | tee -a $LOG
if [[ ${MOUNTDATA[0]} -ne 1 || ${MOUNTDATA[1]} -ne $MNTUID || ${MOUNTDATA[2]} -ne $MNTGID || ${MOUNTDATA[3]} -gt 100 ]]
then echo mount point $MOUNTPOINT is NOT covered by an NFS mount | tee -a $LOG
subject="Duplicity Backup failure: Mount point $MOUNTPOINT not covered by NFS drive"
echo Desktop Backup Process Finished at $(date) | tee -a $LOG
echo ------------------------------- | tee -a $LOG
# second, create an access-test file
echo creating Access-test file | tee -a $LOG
echo $(date +%s) Access-test created $(date) > $ACCESS
# third, test if the mounted Directory is present and writable
if [[ ! -d $TARDIR ]]
then echo $TARDIR not present | tee -a $LOG
elif [[ ! -w $TARDIR ]]
then echo $TARDIR is not writable | tee -a $LOG
elif ! cp -p $ACCESS $TARDIR
then echo Failed to Copy Access-test file to NFS mount | tee -a $LOG
elif ! cp -p $TARDIR/$ACCESSF $TDIR
then echo Failed to copy back the Access-test file | tee -a $LOG
echo Sent: $ACCESS : $(<$ACCESS) | tee -a $LOG
echo Returned: $TDIR/$ACCESSF : $(<$TDIR/$ACCESSF) | tee -a $LOG
# finally compare the original file written with the returned file...
if [[ ! -r ${TDIR}/${ACCESSF} ]]
echo Unable to access the returned file. Permissions failure. Aborting script.... | tee -a $LOG
subject="Duplicity Backup script failure: Unable to read returned check file"
elif diff $ACCESS ${TDIR}/${ACCESSF}
echo Successfully Wrote and Read back from $TARDIR NAS share | tee -a $LOG
echo Returned file different to original, aborting script.... | tee -a $LOG
subject="Duplicity Backup script failure: Returned check file different from that sent"
function finish {
echo -e "\r\nStopping NFS mount for security" |tee -a $LOG
# Stop the mount point to make it safe from encryption attacks
systemctl stop $MOUNTPOINT
# Now check the NFS drive is no longer mounted
if ! systemctl status $MOUNTPOINT > $TDIR/sysctl.txt
then echo NFS mount now offline |tee -a $LOG
else echo system failed to unmount the NFS drive |tee -a $LOG
cat $TDIR/sysctl.txt | tee -a $LOG
echo Duplicity Backup Process Finished at $(date) | tee -a $LOG
echo -e "-------------------------------\r\n\r\n" | tee -a $LOG
# Sleep before exiting to allow the DOS screen to be visible after task completion.
sleep 10s
# initialise stuff
echo -e "\r\n\r\n=====================================================" |tee -a $LOG
grep "@(#)" $0|grep -v grep |tee -a $LOG
echo $0 $* $(date) | tee -a $LOG
echo -n Running as username: | tee -a $LOG
whoami | tee -a $LOG
echo Running as UID: $UID | tee -a $LOG
##echo test 1 $0 # expands to name of invoking file
##echo test 2 $* # expands to position parameters if any
##echo test 3 $$ # expands to process ID of shell
##echo test 4 $BASH # expands to full filename of this instance of bash
if [[ -e $LOCK ]]
then echo "Lock file exists, is a session actually running, or did a previous run abort?" | tee -a $LOG
ps -ef| grep ${BASH}.*$0 |grep -v grep | tee -a $LOG
## ps -ef| grep ${BASH}.*$0 |grep -v grep |grep -v $$|wc -l
echo This instance is process ID: $$ | tee -a $LOG
if [[ $( ps -ef| grep ${BASH}.*$0 |grep -v grep |grep -v $$|wc -l) != 0 ]]
then echo Another instance of this script is running... | tee -a $LOG
WAS=$(cat $LOCK|awk '{print $1}')
echo It started: $(date -d @$WAS) | tee -a $LOG
NOW=$(date +%s)
DELAY=$(( $NOW - $WAS))
## echo $DELAY
displaytime $DELAY | tee -a $LOG
# Now check if the other script has a copy of duplicity running under it...
ps -ef| grep ${BASH}.*$0 |grep -v grep |grep -v $$ | tee -a $LOG
PSID=$(ps -ef| grep ${BASH}.*$0 |grep -v grep |grep -v $$|awk '{print $2}')
echo $PSID | tee -a $LOG
if ps -ef|grep duplicity |grep -v grep | tee -a $LOG
then echo A copy of duplicty is running... | tee -a $LOG
if ps -ef|grep duplicity |grep $PSID | tee -a $LOG
then echo and it is owned by the shell... | tee -a $LOG
else echo and is NOT owned by the other shell, sending warning email | tee -a $LOG
subject="A copy of duplicity is running NOT owned by a copy of this script!!"
else echo NO copy of duplicity is running, but another copy of this script is, sending warning email | tee -a $LOG
subject="A copy of this script is running, but no copy of duplicity!!" | tee -a $LOG
# so now we assume the other copy is a backup taking a long time, and just exit...
else echo Lock file exists, but no other instances of this script | tee -a $LOG
if ! ps -ef|grep duplicity |grep -v grep
then echo and no copy of duplicity itself | tee -a $LOG
echo So assume the lockfile is from an aborted run of duplicity and run it again to complete the partial run. | tee -a $LOG
subject="A lock file for the dupbackup script exists, assuming an aborted previous attempt and running again....."
# just a final check that duplicity is NOT running
if ps -ef|grep duplicity |grep -v grep
then echo A copy of duplicty is running, but there is no script lock file???? | tee -a $LOG
subject="A copy of duplicity, but there is no script lock file!!" | tee -a $LOG
# # Backup or Cleanup stuff starts here......
else echo No lock file, no duplicity running, is it Backup Day? | tee -a $LOG
# Check if it's backup day, or if we missed backup day by up to 3 days....
NOW=$(date +%s)
## # NOW=$(date +%s --date="2021-01-25")
echo Today is $( date --date=@$NOW ) $NOW |tee -a $LOG
if [[ $(date +%a --date=@$NOW) != $DAY ]]
then echo Not the day for a backup, did we miss one by 3 days or less? | tee -a $LOG
# In this release we log the date of the next scheduled backup day at 03:00 in the morning when we take a backup, so the backup won't run if I happen to be
# working past midnight on backup day. This makes preventing early execution easy.
# This doesn't work: Anacron triggers at midnight, if it's a backup day a backup is taken.
echo Next backup date is/was $( date --date=@$NEXT ) $NEXT | tee -a $LOG
DELAY=$(( $NOW - $NEXT ))
echo elapsed seconds are: $DELAY
if [[ $DELAY -lt "0" ]]
then echo Have not yet reached the scheduled backup day, checking space.... | tee -a $LOG
# using date +%j --date="@12345" leads to some interesting results. Any number from 0 to 82799 counts as 1
# 82800 to 169200 counts as 2, and then every 86400 seconds per day. But the change from day 1 to day 2
# occurs at 82800 which is only 23 hours. There must be a reason for this.i
# A week ticks over at 601200 NOT 604800 and counts 8 not 7.
DELDAY=$(date +%j --date="@$DELAY")
# Any number in an arithmetic expression starting with a zero is interpreted as OCTAL.
# so the output of "date +%j" normally 001 - 031 is interpreted as octal unless preceeded with a base definition i.e. 10#
echo delayed days: $DELDAY
# So adding zero forces the variable to be interpreted as base 10 and supresses leading zeros
DELDAY=$(( 10#$DELDAY + 0 ))
echo $DELDAY days since the last scheduled backup, where backup day is day 1 | tee -a $LOG
if [[ $DELDAY -gt "8" ]]
then echo more than one week overdue, so determine last backup day. | tee -a $LOG
LAST=$(date +%s --date="last $DAY + 3 hours")
echo Last backup date was $( date --date=@$LAST ) $LAST | tee -a $LOG
DELAY=$(( $NOW - $LAST ))
DELDAY=$(date +%j --date="@$DELAY")
echo days passed last $DAY : $DELDAY | tee -a $LOG
DELDAY=$(( 10#$DELDAY + 0 ))
if [[ $DELDAY -gt "4" ]]
then echo and 4 or more days overdue, so wait until next backup day. For now check space... | tee -a $LOG
else echo but less than 4 days overdue, so take a backup now..... | tee -a $LOG
echo Taking Backup..... | tee -a $LOG
echo creating Lock file | tee -a $LOG
echo $(date +%s) Lock created $(date) > $LOCK
# Test the archive is available
#### So now run the actual backup
echo Running Duplicity to the NFS mount | tee -a $LOG
date | tee -a $LOG
# prepare the duplicity command line....
FILES=" --exclude-filelist $EXCLUS"
echo --full-if-older-than $OLDER_THAN $OPTIONS $FILES "/" $TARGET |tee -a $LOG
if [[ $TEST -eq "0" ]]
#if false --full-if-older-than $OLDER_THAN $OPTIONS $FILES $TARGET |tee -a $LOG
duplicity --full-if-older-than $OLDER_THAN $OPTIONS $FILES / $TARGET 2>&1 > $TDIR/dup_out
cat $TDIR/dup_out |tee -a $LOG
#if duplicity --full-if-older-than $OLDER_THAN $OPTIONS $FILES / $TARGET 2>&1 |tee -a $LOG
if [[ $RETCODE -eq "0" ]]
then echo duplicity ran cleanly, calculating date of next backup.... |tee -a $LOG
# Save date of next scheduled backup day at 03:00 in epoch format
date +%s --date="next $DAY + 3 hours" > $NEXT_BACKUP_DATE
date --date="@$(<$NEXT_BACKUP_DATE)" |tee -a $LOG
else echo duplicity run failure |tee -a $LOG
subject="Duplicity Backup failure: Duplicity run failed"
else echo "TEST mode set... NOT taking backup." |tee -a $LOG
echo -e "\r\nStopping NFS mount for security" |tee -a $LOG
# Stop the mount point to make it safe from encryption attacks
systemctl stop $MOUNTPOINT
# Now check the NFS drive is no longer mounted
if ! systemctl status $MOUNTPOINT > $TDIR/sysctl.txt
then echo NFS mount now offline |tee -a $LOG
else echo system failed to unmount the NFS drive |tee -a $LOG
cat $TDIR/sysctl.txt | tee -a $LOG
echo removing Lock... | tee -a $LOG
rm $LOCK
echo Duplicity Backup Process Finished at $(date) | tee -a $LOG
echo ------------------------------- | tee -a $LOG
## Sleep before exiting to allow the DOS screen to be visible after task completion.
sleep 10s